welcome brave soul.
rome is happy to have you.
the freeks are happier.
if you want to live, stay with your guide.
if you need help, talk to your guide.
if you get lost, you strayed from the path.
if you strayed from the path, we can’t help you.
if you wore shoes for walking, you did it right.
if you also wore comfortable clothes, great.
if you brought a flashlight, you’re killing it.
if you didn’t, ask us and we might be able to help.
if you want our advice, follow one character.
if you want our advice, grieve with this character.
if you want our advice, laugh with this character.
if you want our advice, revenge with this character.
if you want to touch things, touch them.
if you want to smell things, smell them.
if you want to taste things, taste them.
if you want to drink things, drink them.
if you want to play, play.
if you want to leave, leave.
if you want to stay for the second show, stay.
if violence, torture, or sexual assault will bother you, don’t stay.
if you want to donate $ to us, do it.
if you don’t want to donate $ to us, don’t.
if you want to know more about our process, ask.
if you want to be a part of the process, we want you.
if you are here tonight, you live with us tonight.

Titus is an immersive, site-specific theatrical event that seeks to redefine the way audiences (specifically Stanford audiences) engage with theater and the way actors engage with the theater-making process. Adapted from Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus, the production will take place near Lake Lagunita in late May, and performances will be scheduled around sunset, with the first run of each evening beginning an hour before sunset and the second run of each evening beginning right away as the sun sets. Audience members, equipped with flashlights, will be free to follow any character through his or her story like voyeurs; as such, audience members may not be able to perceive the "full" story of titus unless they attend the show multiple times, but this is the intended effect.
"Titus was awesome and horrific in all of the best ways!!!"
-Megan Connors
"Revitalized my belief in art. Thank you, all of you--tonight was incredible."
-Michelle Jia
"The best fucking show I have ever been to at Stanford."
-Danny Smith
"titus was incredible. you guys are amazing. but also, thank you."
-Mala Chatterjee
"Jake Friedler just caught a moth and ate it. This is prime/primal as fuck."
-Benjy Mercer-Golden
"Titus was wonderful! Congratulations to you all and thank you for reinvigorating my spirit in theatre."
-Jeanette Lim
"AMAZING job tonight, you guys!!!! So fantastic, beautiful, terrifying, inspiring."
-Alexis Luscutoff
"y'all. This was so dope last night! EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE IT, OKAY? EVERYONE."
-Sammie Wills
People Said good shit about titus.
Map Drawn By: Mari Amend
ashley chang:[wo]man behind the curtain (executive producer+artistic director) laura petree:fearless leader (the director) chana rose rabinovitz:jack of all trades (dramaturg+stage manager+assistant director&producer) evie fitzgerald: puppet master and ring leader (assistant director+puppet designer+++playing the role of chiron)
jake friedler: demetrius
evie fitzgerald: chiron
christian murphy: aaron
maia kazin: lucius
dante belleti: titus
kasiemobi udo-okoye: tamora
mariah oxley:m
benina stern:b
ethan wilcox:saturninus
anthony dao:bassianus
maggie medlin:lavinia
christine chung: choreography+tamora guide kevin chow: sound design+saturninus guide anissa chitour:costumes+make up+titus guide charlie glick:music director mari amend:audience engagement+art+lucius guide thomas hendee:aaron guide lizzie quinlan:musician danny organ: chiron+demetrius guide chris beachy:musician kevin mccabe:titus guide dave kettler:musician danny smith: musician
special thanks to:
ellen le janani ramachandran spark! redesigning theater sheraton stanford park michael sturtz columbae ebf kairos haus mitt michael ramsaur katie straub shakespeare brutus mutius mucius and finally you.
Watch it from Chiron's perspective:
Learn more on the ReDesigning Theater Website: